The Simpsons Family Case Study!

DISC Behavioural Styles

If we are all a blend of the four DiSC behavioural styles but we often have a primary style how easy is it to spot the behaviours in others so we can react and behave in a way that best suits the other person’s style. In Dr Tony Alessandra’s Platinum Rule® he summarises that we make most of our relationships if we “treat others the way they want to be treated”.

Working with thousands of clients using DiSC as a tool to improve productivity, team work and communication I often get asked “but how do I know what style the other person is so I can react accordingly?”



The answer to that is 3 simple steps and a whole lot of practice and the practice is easy because you can do it every time you meet or observe another human being!

1. Are they fast paced or more measured? If you know them – you could ask them!“I was just wondering/just thinking about you the other day/ thinking about people the other day……Are you typically fast paced or more measured?”If they answer right away they are probably fast, if they take a little longer to think about the question they are probably more measured, a hesitation may be created by them thinking that sometimes they are fast and sometimes more measured (this probably means they are more of a blend) and if they are still not sure – they are definitely measured!!

2. Are they usually task orientated or people orientated.This one can be a bit trickier but there are ways to tell. If you work with them you can give them a task and see how they handle it.Do they seem to be more guarded or open?Do they chat and smile a lot or are they more serious and introverted?Are they a people person or more focused on getting the job done?And don’t forget, if you know them, you could ask.

3. Once we have had a good view of this we can start to form a view of which of the DiSC styles the person is.


  • D – dominance TASK focused and FAST paced
  • I – influencing PEOPLE focused and FAST paced
  • S – steadiness PEOPLE orientated and MEASURED PACE
  • C– conscientiousness TASK orientated and MEASURED PACE


Mindful that we should not stereotype or pigeon hole people into a behaviour because we are all a blend a useful tool is to watch an episode of The Simpsons. Yes, you heard right! Here is your key and four key words their behavioural styles often use:


  • Bart – Dominance (RESULTS)
  • Homer – Influencing (FUN – would you want this man running a Nuclear Power Station’s safety department? Not the most obvious choice!!)
  • Marge – Steadiness (HELP)
  • Lisa – Conscientiousness (PROCESS)


Remember ALWAYS to rejoice in the differences and understand that people are a unique blend of all four styles. Happy People Watching!