As 2022 draws to a close all of us at DISCsimple would like to wish you and your families every heartfelt and joyful festive season, where all of the styles can be understood and appreciated for their differences!
‘Twas the night before DISCmas, when all through the land,
The styles were all staring at the ticking clock hand.
They were ready for the day full of fun and festive cheer,
And looking back on memories of DISCmas last year.
As the sun rose and the new celebration began,
Each style set to work as best that they can.
With presents under trees and decorations galore,
The food in the oven, needing plenty hours more.
The Doers worked fast and had everything done,
They opened their gifts and had lots of fun.
Family games were had, and they poured the gin,
The Ds are competitive and wanted to win.
The Influencers know how to have a good time,
With games and fun and plenty of wine.
The presents may not be wrapped, but plenty of thought
Went into the music and food that was brought.
The Supporter style has the best time around others,
Friends from near and far, parents, sisters, and brothers.
As long as everyone else is enjoying the night,
The Ss are happy and filled with delight.
The C styles will make sure everything goes to plan,
So be on time as they wait for no man.
The food will be served on time, on the dot,
Enough for everyone, with nothing left in the pot.
We have worked hard all year and it is now time to voice
To our loved ones whose differences we will rejoice.
The sun is set and DISCmas has come to a close,
With bellies full, glasses empty, people are starting to doze.
Sit cosy in front of the fire and listen here,
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
This blog was written by the immensely talented Joe (blogs) Quintana. Connect with him on LinkedIn
Keeping things simple in a complicated world.
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