A Stylistic Approach to a Competition
Nov 22, 2021
Business Growth DISCiples

For the second year running, DISCsimple and hgkc are holding their annual business plan competition One Good Turn… We have had a wide range of entrants and have found it interesting to see how the different DISC styles approach entering a competition.  

When it comes to entering a business plan competition, many factors can affect whether someone will enter. This can be if the prizes are worth the time it takes to commit to the competition, the rules and regulations when entering, or it can come down to a matter of confidence and whether you think your business will have a chance of winning.  

At DISCsimple we have come up with a few suggestions of what might impact the decision of each particular style and who and why someone might complete an application.  

D style – the Doers 

A D style is fast-paced and task-focused. They know what they want and they get the job done. Their approach to competition is no different, if they think that the outcome is worthwhile then they will enter. Is the prize something that they need or want? Does it provide value for their business? 

If the answer is yes, a D style will fill out an application. When completing a form, a D style will stick to the rules, they will not add any extra information and provide what they have been asked for – no more no less.  

I style – the Influencers 

An I style is fast-paced and people-focused. They love the story and want to have an experience. An I style will enter your competition if the preamble is attractive and enthusiastic. If they think they are going to have a great time they will fill out the application there and then, whether they want the prize or not (although a desirable and attractive prize might just be the shiny object that attracts their attention to your competition).  

Their applications will be presented attractively and probably be filled with more information than is required. Any word limit will be maximised and a lot of attachments possibly with images and pretty pictures will also be added. An I style may even enter a competition where they may not exactly meet the criteria if the prize or experience looks like it’s going to be worthwhile. 

S style – the Supporters 

S styles are steady-paced and people-focused. It is rare for an S style to enter a competition off their own back. If you think an S style would be perfect to enter, you may have to encourage them to fill out an application. They are more likely to help out someone else to enter a competition. 

If an S style wins a competition, they may end up passing the prize on to someone else even if they need it themselves. If they think someone else needs it more, they’ll happily give it away. They don’t like the spotlight to be on them and tend to shy away from any unwanted attention and publicity. 

C style – the Considerers 

C styles are steady-paced and task-focused. Before entering a competition they will have considered all their options and their odds of winning. A C style will look at who else will likely be entering, the statistical probability of them winning, and analyse the value of the prizes and what is on offer. 

A C style’s application will be immaculate. They will have considered everything that the judges are looking for and ensure they are meeting all guidelines. It is likely that a C style will enter a competition closer to the deadline, ensuring they have taken the appropriate time to understand the judging criteria and determine whether they have a chance of winning.   

No matter what your style is we encourage you to enter One Good Turn… (even you S styles!) You have to be in it to win it, so download our entry form today and send off your application! Who knows you may walk away with one of our incredible prizes!

It is very simple to enter:

Complete our 1-page business plan template and tell us in 250 words your vision for the future and why you deserve to win. Please use our template so that it’s a level playing field for everyone and ensures we score each plan fairly, but if you want to provide additional documents, please feel free to do so. You can record your 250 words as a video, a sound file or simply write them as a document – it is your choice.

The competition is now open, and the deadline for entries is January 14th, 2022. We will judge and announce the winners at an awards ceremony on January 28th, with prizes on offer starting in February.

Send your application to hello@hgkc.co.uk by midnight January 14th 2022. Please be sure to include your contact details.

By entering, you agree to hgkc and DISCsimple following up by email or telephone to discuss your entry and – if you do not win – our services.

We hope to hear from you and look forward to reading your brilliant business plans and applications!