DISCsimple has been voted in!
Apr 1, 2022

DISCsimple has just heard some big news for the DISC tool!  

We are proud to announce that the HR department of the Conservative Party has made it a policy that all of their employees get a DISC profile from DISCsimple. Our mission for everyone to get a DISC profile has taken a huge leap forward and we are excited that we are finally being recognised by the Government. It is not yet clear if the styles will be disclosed to the public but we are excited to see which style the Prime Minister is.  

The other political parties are following suit and coming together to engage us and get their own profiles! Finally, the debates in Parliament will be held with more productivity, respect, and harmony.

Party leaders will be stretching into their opponents’ styles to come to more agreeable solutions to solve the issues we face as a country today! 

First, everyone in the UK will be profiled, next, the world.  




We at DISCsimple love to have fun and during our marketing calls, we don’t take ourselves too seriously as we focus on taking all our client’s needs seriously. As April Fool’s Day is approaching, we wanted to perform our own little prank on you.

Did you believe us?

It is uncertain exactly when April Fool’s Day began. Many think it started with Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales but there is some speculation on whether this is true or not. It was found in the 1950’s that joking traditionally stopped by midday and it is still believed today that those who continue to prank after 12 noon are considered the April Fool.  

We wanted to take part in this long tradition and even considered writing a piece on how each style would react to a prank played on them – however, it is important to remember that DISC is about behaviour and the response to a practical joke is more of an emotional response, so it is impossible for us to predict as much as we want to! 

Are you planning any jokes this year? Tell us about any pranks you’ve played (or ones that have been played on you) that have made you laugh! 

Keeping things simple in a complicated world.

To learn more about the DISC tool and how you can learn to identify different DISC styles. Come along to one of our free lunchtime sessions. They are full of powerful insight into the world of Everything DiSC® (part of the Wiley group) and in just 30 minutes you will learn something! We run a learning session every Monday and a Pro session for professionals already working with DISC every other Thursday.

If you are a people development expert, independent consultant or coach and would like to benefit from a like-minded and supportive network of people get in touch at discover@discsimple.com to find out how you can become a partner.