Navin Jaitly

iD Style (Influencer/Doer)

Lily Woi Career Coach


Sales Leadership



Mindset development

Public Speaking

I believe in mastering both the inner and outer game of sales for optimum success. I work with developing my client’s mindset and emotions around sales as well as their sales skillsets. By working on both they achieve sales mastery.

I use a combination of teaching sales skills, mindset tools, self-awareness tools and psychological testing and learning to achieve results.

How can I help you?

I help you to develop the mindset, skillset and relationship you need in order to sell optimally. As a result, you will increase your sales confidence, revenues, personal income and the impact you leave on the world

How I work:

I work with individual business owners and or sales teams within businesses. I provide a combination of one to one and group coaching. I also provide group sales training programmes

Interesting Facts about me:

I taught English in South Korea for 3 years and appeared on Korean national TV.

I starred in a local drama performance and so impressed the director that I was asked to take a lead role in her play at the Edinburgh Festival.

I am a bestselling author.

I would recommend anyone to Navin who needs to regain clarity and confidence. Anyone who needs to make some important/ tough decisions. Anyone who wants to gain the courage to go after their goals.

Federica Desantis

International Sales Manager, Alpadia Languages

Because he has expertise in helping you to know yourself and the way you think better. The better you know yourself the more likely you are to experience success. His Coaching also helps you to see your blind spots which is very difficult to do on your own. He challenges your perspective which makes you change your thinking for the better. Ultimately he helps you get better results. 

Marta Jiminez

CEO, Reborn Aura

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