DiscSimple and hgkc are excited to announce One Good Turn… a competition for business owners who want not just to survive but to thrive in 2021 and to supercharge their team in preparation for the challenges to come.

There will be not one but two winners

  • Survive and Thrive Worth £4200, you will win an Outcomes Map, a SOAP, and a DiSC Profile, followed by 12 monthly 1 hour meetings with an hgkc consultant to review your progress, provide guidance and support, and to hold you to account to your plan. During the year we are working with you, you will be asked to provide regular content for publication on both your and our website and social platforms.


  • Supercharge Your Team Worth £5000, you will win an Engagement Multiplier benchmark surveyDiSC workplace profiles for up to 6 Directors or leaders, followed by 2½ days of hgkc & DiscSimple consultant time to analyse your results and prepare a plan to help you supercharge your people for 2021.


DiscSimple and hgkc reserve the right to allocate winners the award we feel most appropriate based on your application and the judges’ decision is final.

hgkc partner with Engagement Multiplier to offer the first benchmark completely free and with no obligation. An hgkc consultant will spend ½ day to help you to set up and run your survey

It is very simple to enter

Download and complete our One Good Turn…Business Plan on a Page and tell us in 250 words why you deserve to win. You must use our template – but remember, less is more. If you want to provide additional documents, please feel free to do so. And you can record your supplementary 250 words as a video, a sound file or simply write them as a document – you choose.

The competition is open now.

The deadline for entries is January 29th 2021.

We will judge and announce the winners on the Friday 12th February with prizes on offer starting in February.

Send your application to hello@hgkc.co.uk by midnight January 29th 2021. Please be sure to include your contact details.

By entering, you agree to DiscSimple and hgkc following up by email or telephone to discuss your entry and – if you do not win – our services. Winners consent to participate in DiscSimple and hgkc PR – video, podcasts and other content – at our expense.


Good luck!

Luck is the coincidence of preparation and opportunity. Here is an opportunity. Are you prepared?

Guidance for One Good Turn…

About Judging

All plans will be evaluated individually by the judges to draw up a shortlist and then judged by a panel from DiscSimple and hgkc. Submissions will then be scored out of 5 for:

  • Achievements – whether you are a start-up or more established, tell us about your wins
  • Creativity – tell us about your approach to solving problems
  • Team – tell us not just about your employees, but who else you work with
  • Proposition – we are looking for a strong proposition that will deliver resilience
  • Video/audio/text supplementary – use these 250 words to persuade us of your entrepreneurial spirit

About you and your data

We will keep your application confidential and the information you share with us.

In the case of you not winning the award we will not retain your plan, video or any additional information provided as part of your submission in line with our published privacy policy.

About your IP

Feel free to leave out any sensitive elements. If you win the competition we work under NDA’s.

Sharing feedback on your plan

We will share the judges’ feedback with you, including the panel scores for short-listed entries.