The DISC Code of Conduct
There are some basic codes of conduct to consider when using a tool like DISC.
- Don’t believe that any one style is better than another.
- Don’t pigeon hole people.
- Don’t use it as an excuse for behaviour.
- Promise only to use the knowledge for good, never for evil!

We are all a unique blend of styles but we do have a natural style and the ability to adapt. By understanding ourselves it enables us to better understand others and this leads to better relationships.
One realisation you might have when you learn more about DISC is that a lot of other people didn’t spend their lives deliberately annoying you – some of it was just your ignorant observation of behavioural styles in action! Equally you realise that there might have been things that you have been doing or saying that might have not brought out the best in the relationship you have with others.
There can be a tendency to believe that your behavioural style is best.
“If only they were faster and would just get on with it and get the job done – like I do.”
“If only they would lighten up and stop taking everything so seriously and planning everything and get joy from living for the moment – like I do.”
“If only they would calm down, listen instead of talking and spend time building trust they would get a lot further – like I do.”
“If only they would work out a plan and put process so that it works properly this time – like I do.”
We are all a unique blend of behavioural styles and no one style is better than another. Some of us find it easier to adapt to other styles and some of us have to work harder to adapt, using more energy to do so but we all have strengths and weaknesses and we can all work in harmony if we rejoice in the differences together.
Whilst learning the ability to easily identify the style of others so we can build strong relationships that work productively, we might want to consider the pros and cons of pigeon holing people. We need to be able to assess others but without judgement or stereotyping behaviour. Learning what other people need from us is useful. Assuming and making errors is not useful.
I have trained thousands of people in this topic and I have a simple rule I apply. You will know if you have been in my audience because I almost always ask the audience to stand, hold their right hands in the air and make a simple promise. “I promise to never use this knowledge for Evil!”