The ONLY Free Live show dedicated to Behaviour in the Workplace!
Feb 25, 2022
Business Growth DISCiples

The great minds behind DISClive were influenced by a combination of Saturday morning TV (think Swapshop or Going Live! or TMi depending on your age!) and BBC’s The One Show!

We have created the DISClive Show a free live show that concentrates on adopting the knowledge of DISC into everyday life. At DISCsimple, we love people and their relationships! We focus on how each style has different mindsets and teach how to stretch into the other styles as well as the various DISC profiles available on Catalyst. 


Our live show is hosted by Suzi and Emma, with Joe as the ‘weatherman’. Taking influence from those Saturday morning kid’s shows. We keep things fun and fast-paced but always worth the watch, we also wanted to incorporate an element of learning.  

We know that adults learn best in short bursts and over time are shows cover a range of information in monthly series, so our viewers are given the ability to ‘return and learn’ as well as meeting like-minded individuals. We invite our guests to share stories from their experience and participate in a warm environment and encourage them to bring their friends and colleagues along. It’s free for everyone! 

We use DISCLive to focus on people and their relationships. We believe that people are the key and help our clients and DISCiples learn about human beings to improve relationships to better their businesses.

“100% of employees are people. 100% of customers are people. 100% of investors of people. If you don’t understand people, you don’t understand business.” 

Simon Sinek  


Our live shows are free for anyone who is interested in learning more about relationships and the different DISC profiles. To attend you don’t need to have a DISC profile, but an interest in learning about different behavioural styles. See if you can figure out your own style based on what you learn. Can you identify the styles of those you work with? Knowing about the different behaviours, how can you improve your relationships? 


We hold our DISC Live Shows where they are the most accessible to the most people – online! We use Zoom so we can all see each other’s friendly faces.   


Our sessions run weekly, every Monday from 13:00 to 13:30 – bring your lunches along and join us. 


In March 2020 all of our lives changed and our traditional methods of meeting up and seeing each other for in-person learning changed overnight. Like millions of others, we turned to technology and quickly realised that we could introduce a new method of learning to our clients, prospects, and DISCiples. We now use Zoom to introduce learners from all over the UK to the DISC model and emphasise how DISC relates to everyday life as well as the workplace. DISC, specifically Wiley’s Everything DISC® is our favourite DISC provider, we are the only Wiley accredited partner in Wales, and our live shows dive into the DISC model, the Catalyst learning platform, and applying DISC to your life.  

Keeping things simple in a complicated world.

To learn more about the DISC tool and how you can learn to identify different DISC styles. Come along to one of our free lunchtime sessions. They are full of powerful insight into the world of Everything DiSC® (part of the Wiley group) and in just 30 minutes you will learn something! We run a learning session every Monday and a Pro session for professionals already working with DISC every other Thursday.

If you are a people development expert, independent consultant or coach and would like to benefit from a like-minded and supportive network of people get in touch at to find out how you can become a partner.

See what is coming up on the DISClive Show


How to get colleagues to buy into your idea

Style Spotting

How to make each of the styles hate you!!

Sign up for the DISCLive Show and see what it is all about!


  • A fresh topic every month, each session is stand-alone and while we would love to see you every week we understand that isn’t always possible! Join us when you can!
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