At the end of our One Good Turn… business plan competition this year, one of our amazing winners will win our ‘People Are Your Superpower’ prize.
The Prize includes an Engagement Multiplier benchmark survey, DISC profiles for up to 6 members of your leadership team, and executive coaching with 15 hours of hgkc and DISCsimple consulting. This prize focuses on discovering your team’s superpowers, understanding the differences between your workplace behaviours, and will help you to supercharge your people for 2022.
Supercharging Your Team
Employees are citing company culture as one of the biggest attraction factors to a company and according to a survey by Deloitte 95% of employees say culture is more important than compensation. Our ‘People are your Superpower’ prize allows you to honestly assess your current culture, creates a benchmark report as well as providing a set of tools and a strategy that can be used over time to supercharge your team.
The real prize is that you improve communication, teamwork and productivity, increase employee retention, create a positive work environment that motivates your team, increases profitability and builds a strong company culture. Can you afford not to enter?
We believe that the world would be a better place if we all understood our DiSC styles a little better. The prize includes DISC profiles and support to empower you to learn more about you and your team. To understand what drives them and their natural work behaviours. You will learn how to adapt your own DISC style to better communicate and work with your people in order to increase productivity and efficiency.
Building Loyalty
Creating a sense of loyalty amongst your team means that they will be more engaged and better able to work towards your company’s goals. It will not only help you professionally but personally as well as you will be able to build upon your relationships with your team and form a closer bond with your people. You will learn how to communicate more clearly and generate a more cohesive and positive working environment.
Company Culture
Strong company cultures have a 72% higher employee engagement than those who don’t put the time and effort into supercharging their teams. To build a strong culture you need to encourage trust, to do that we need to be open and honest, creating a sense of transparency.
Engagement Multiplier
Our prize offers an Engagement Multiplier benchmark survey – with this you will be able to identify problems, see what you are doing right and find out how to improve. There will always be room for improvement, and you need to be open to the suggestions and feedback you receive.
It is very simple to enter:
Complete our 1-page business plan template and tell us in 250 words your vision for the future and why you deserve to win. Please use our template so that it’s a level playing field for everyone and ensures we score each plan fairly, but if you want to provide additional documents, please feel free to do so. You can record your 250 words as a video, a sound file or simply write them as a document – it is your choice.
The competition is now open, and the deadline for entries is January 14th, 2022. We will judge and announce the winners at an awards ceremony on January 28th, with prizes on offer starting in February.
Send your application to hello@hgkc.co.uk by midnight January 14th 2022. Please be sure to include your contact details.
By entering, you agree to hgkc and DISCsimple following up by email or telephone to discuss your entry and – if you do not win – our services.
We hope to hear from you and look forward to reading your brilliant business plans and applications!
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