The Written Word

The Perfect Manager

The Perfect Manager

We’d all like to think of ourselves or our style as perfect. We are confident in our own abilities and know that we manage our teams effectively, and therefore we are the perfect managers. But at DISCsimple we know that every style brings different perspectives and manages their people in their own unique ways, suited to their behavioural style.

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DISCover Your Valentines Style

DISCover Your Valentines Style

One of the many things we love about DISC is that it doesn’t only apply to your working relationships. You can use DISC in your everyday life, whether you’re with friends, family, or your partner, you can identify their DISC styles and build stronger relationships with them.

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4 Ways Teams Struggle to Perform

4 Ways Teams Struggle to Perform

We are all different, but sometimes we forget this and approach the world expecting people to think feel and react to situations the same way that we do. Leaders and managers are no exception and can struggle to get the most out of our teams. The good news is that we can control us (it’s the only thing we can!), and when we understand ourselves, we can start to recognise that everyone works differently.

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How to Stop the Great Resignation

How to Stop the Great Resignation

The Great Resignation is a major problem for organizations. But it’s possible that focusing on the manager/employee relationship, and ensuring each manager has the skills they need to adapt their approach to each of their direct reports, could have a massive impact on retention, engagement, and ultimately performance.

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Agile EQ on Catalyst (Brochure)

Agile EQ on Catalyst (Brochure)

Emotional intelligence (what we call EQ) is about having the agility to read the emotional and interpersonal needs of a situation and respond accordingly. In other words, EQ allows you to adapt to any situation, so you can reach for the most effective response to whatever challenge you’re facing.

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A New Partnership

A New Partnership

More and more people have been leaving their jobs in ‘The Great Resignation’ since the coronavirus pandemic struck. Managers need to be able to engage and inspire their employees to want to keep their jobs.

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8 Tips to Being a Great Manager!

8 Tips to Being a Great Manager!

More and more people have been leaving their jobs in ‘The Great Resignation’ since the coronavirus pandemic struck. Managers need to be able to engage and inspire their employees to want to keep their jobs.

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Putting on your Oxygen Mask First

Putting on your Oxygen Mask First

The inimitable Em Melrose is back in the Mothership and we asked her to write a short blog on something that she is thinking about this January. She rose, as she always does, to the challenge and gives us something to think about.

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